Wow, can you say one month! That went by fast, but at the same time I can't remember most of my prior life. How is that possible ha. Today was my senior day! Montague was really pushing me today. He says his goal is for me to be the best missionary in the mission. He's super intense, but I guess that's probably a good thing in the long run. The highlight of the day was going to dinner with Brother Nelson. The guy is awesome and took up to Ruby Tuesday's. Great burger and a butterfingers cake. Great times! Anyway, we get back and have to book it to an appointment that we had forever away. We biked for the longest I have ever biked continuously. Probably like 15 miles at over 20 miles/hour. Such a long ways away and it was mainly up hill. When we arrived at Derrick and Shelby Jackson's they were in shock that we had biked all that way and were so appreciative. They gave us two red gatorades each and I drank every drop. They had kept all their previous commitments to read the information we had left with them and loved it. They even said they had prayed about it and felt really good. Derrick really felt the spirit and said that he felt like everything that we said was truth and he wanted to be a part of it. Really powerful stuff! We rode nearly 40 miles on the bikes today and my legs are so sore! It's time to write a letter and go to bed. Blessings on blessings. What a great day!
North Carolina
Ryan Van Wagenen
One Month - July 15, 2005
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