Another Senior Day - August 5, 2005
Wow! Today was my senior day and I can't believe how much more I like the days that I get to lead. I really like deciding what we do and being able to plan it all out. I was pretty much given the reins entirely today with very little input, which was such a change. We went over to Tom Eatmon's and it was interesting! This guy knows the bible extremely well and try's to challenge us every time. Today he and Montague were going at. Punch for punch! It was intense to watch. Both quoting scriptures right and left and making each other question. I answered a couple questions, which I could not have done a few weeks ago. Stepping stones! We had an interesting day though overall, so many people out there that want to battle us. I wish I had a way to answer all their questions. Montague is pretty good on his toes, but these questions are hard sometimes. We went to Washburn's for dinner and they are awesome! Brother Washburn reminds me of a guy in the MTC and it's weird how similar they are. He hassled me hardcore the whole night, but I think we got along pretty well and he said he enjoyed going to an appointment with us after dinner. Good times in North Carolina.