Today was quite the day. So many ups and downs! First, people did not hold their appointments as they had agreed to. That was pretty frustrating, but I guess is slightly expected. On the positive side - We have been getting so many people giving us referrals and connecting us with their friends and family. They haven't been fruitful discussions yet, but still cool they are trying to connect us. I set up a color coded system to help keep it all organized. Literally have gotten 25 names in the past couple days. Another really cool thing is that we taught the Plan of Salvation to the Jackson's. We cross referenced scriptures and Preach my Gospel. One of our best lessons that we've taught together. It went really well and we could all feel the spirit quite strongly. They seemed to be very into the lesson. We rode over 20 miles again in not so great weather and my legs are burning! Although this is both physically and emotionally tough work, I really feel like the mission is going to be an experience I will never forget and it will be worth it. I love the crazy people we meet and want them all to grow from our meetings. Montague and I are getting along really well and I have good feelings for the future!
North Carolina
Ryan Van Wagenen
Ups and Downs - July 30, 2005
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