Amazing Speaker - June 17, 2005

First off, yesterday was by far the longest day of my life.  I felt like I needed to take a long nap in my bed at home.  So crazy that I won't really be alone again for another 2 years.  Day three was a lot more exciting!  We had a good large group speaker and got to go to the referral centre, which seems awesome.  We only had time to get one call.  I got to talk to Kenya Field.  I will never forget her - She was from Auburn, Alabama.  She was calling from some commercial she saw on TV and wanting a family pamphlet to understand what we were all about.  I really felt the Spirit when I was speaking with her.  I felt inclined to ask her if she was searching for truth in her life.  She said "yes" and the rest is so spiritual.  I truly was having crazy feels as we were talking.  She didn't want missionaries to come by and I don't really blame her, haha...  I did help her find a nearby church and challenged her to go and see how she felt.  She said she would try, which probably means she won't ha, but a seed was planted.  We both no doubt felt the spirit over the phone, which is wild to think that is possible.  Good times in the MTC!

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