More Biking and Exchanges - October 11, 2005

We have been biking like crazy!  And it is quite a bit more intense in this area since it's more spread out.  My knee is popping weird, but it has still been worth it - Great times and really good things happening here in Hampstead.  Today we taught Gene and he told me he had never prayed before.  We spent a few minutes going over how to pray and then he did it - Gene gave the best possible prayer I could have expected.  We were both super impressed!

We also had DL exchanges and they went so well!  The four of us went out together initially and taught a few lessons.  It was awesome.  I had never had exchanges where we all went out together.  Thompson is the man - A good ole boy from Idaho and he knows how to work.  When we split off into twos, we did not have a down minute.  The guy works really hard and he's definitely one of the coolest guys on the mission.  Good times in Hampstead and have a really good feeling about this area!

Ryan Van Wagenen enjoyed his mission in North Carolina.

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