Today was the most interesting day on the
mission. I had the weirdest deja vu experience ever. We had a member
exchange this evening and this guy came over to pick us up to come with us on an appointment. We hadn't met him before because he was from Houston, Texas and was in North Carolina on a break from college out in
Utah. We began talking and I just kept getting the weirdest feeling. Gibbons was on the phone to confirm our appointment and this guy was telling me about his college experience and I just kept feeling like I had this conversation before. It was almost like I had dreamed the experience before and I knew what he was going to say. Then the really weird part happened and I had the strongest feeling to ask him if he wanted a blessing. Which is such a weird thing to ask someone (especially that you don't know), but I went with the feeling and asked and he started tearing up and told me about how hard of a time he had been having lately and was wondering if he should ask someone for a blessing. It was crazy, we both were feeling the strongest
spirit ever!
Gibbons came back over and we flipped a coin to see who would give the blessing. I gave it and I cannot even remember anything that I said but it just felt awesome. Never had an experience like this in my life - Testimony building experience for sure! We then went over to see the Faroux family and had a really good lesson with them. They are really nice and feeling pretty good about what we're doing here in Rocky Mount. We're going on our mission zone temple trip tomorrow, so pretty pumped to be on this high going into it. Good times in
North Carolina!
Ryan Van Wagenen had a deja vu experience on the mission in North Carolina. |